VapeXhale Quartz VapeX-Nail - Pack 5


VapeXhale Quartz VapeX-Nail - Pack 5

The VapeXhale Cloud Evo is one of the most versatile vaporizers on the market and part of that versatility lies in it's ability to absolutely slay concentrates!

The key to that is the VapeX-Nail. These Quartz tubes lower your concentrates right down to the level of the heating element in your Cloud Evo and deliver an extremely potent experience whilst also giving amazing flavour. They are also extremely efficient, requiring sometimes as little as 50% of the concentrates that other vapes need for the same hit.

This set comes as a pack of 5 Quartz VapeX-nails so you're set for a good while before needing more. The quartz is extremely hard wearing and can be easily cleaned with isopropyl alcohol.