Precision Hydrabomb Hydratube for VapeXhale Cloud Evo
Precision Hydrabomb Hydratube for VapeXhale Cloud Evo


Precision Hydrabomb Hydratube for VapeXhale Cloud Evo

If you want the absolute maximum possible airflow from your VapeXhale Cloud Evo, with almost zero draw resistance then the Precision Hydrabomb is the hydratube for you.

The Hydrabomb™ features one of the most beautiful types of percs out there, looking like a crystal graneda hanging in the middle of the piece. It has a huge number of holes meaning there is absolutely no draw resistance. If you want to be able to just sit back and toke with ease then this is the Hydratube for you. Logo may vary.

All of Vapexhale's glass is hand made by a glass artisan. While they do try and make each piece as consistently as possible, because each one is hand-made, you may see a slight variation from unit to unit. Please note that as it is the nature of glass blowing, tiny bubbles may appear in joints.